Sunday 28 June 2015

Blogging Suspension: Please help me get Twitter rights back

There are a number of topics I had hoped to blog about. These include:
  • The expansion of the Hague International Design system so that it now allows our clients to secure design protection at OHIM and in the USA and perhaps less significantly Japan
  • The changes to CIPA bye-laws which will be the subject of a webinar on July 8 from CIPA Hall. If you are a member you can book here
  • The Unified Patent Court fees consultation and what it means for more modest patent holders and the patent strategies start ups should follow as a result of their potential exclusion from the new court.
  • Progress on the introduction of a grace period for UK patent applicants by the UK-IPO
  • The delightful free speech by Judge Alex Koszinski at the 2015 Sir Hugh Laddie lecture on 24 June 2015 at UCL. Peter Groves has blogged about it here
I have not blogged about these important issues because I cannot draw attention to my blog posts any longer on Twitter. This blog is blacklisted as spam and links to it cannot be tweeted. I have reported it and this is the feedback

Thanks for your report.

In order to make Twitter more secure, we have automations in place that could impact your ability to Tweet certain links. If you’re having issues Tweeting a link, our team will review your request and take appropriate action on the reported URL. You can find more information on this topic in this help center article:

Though we cannot respond to individual reports, the information provided helps us make Twitter better for everyone.
So I hope you feel that silencing blogs is better for you. If not and you cannot tweet a link to this blog or this post. Feel free to report it to twitter  support. This is the page you need Maybe if enough of you want us to continue then Twitter will relent.


  1. It seems to be working OK - at least, I was able to tweet this!

  2. which accout did you use I ca't see your tweet. @ipkat managed to tweet a link wrapped up a tinyurl here

    1. Sorry Barbara, haven't been looking at Twitter recently. The account I used was @ipsojurenews
