Sunday 26 August 2012

Is Anybody There?

Small IP practices continue to be started. Some grow big and others stay small. The question that troubles my co-blogger is why, apart from me, no-one is particularly keen about blogging about the experience. Since this blog offers no rewards and has a small but entirely charming following, this is perhaps understandable. Nevertheless is it an excuse to give up?

Sometimes its useful to share news of an event that may not have caught your attention. For example the Bird & Bird associates are promising a most interesting offering on 20 September on the Unitary Patent System - that may well be of value to patent agents who have gotten rather bored of the litigators haranguing about their pet Articles and allow us to get our heads round, what it means for patent applicants.

Or you might want to spend £25 of your training budget with IBIL Questioning the Trademark Judges on 17 October 2012. But details of that and a great many more are to be found on the IPkat's famous forthcoming event's page.

Much of what a SOLO IP practitioner needs to know on the subject of IP is the same as someone in a bigger firm so that does not offer a special need.

There is a presumption that we all act only for small clients - which is wrong - because the best large entities recognise that a SOLO is the best way of getting a specialist on board - and so this blog should deal with the special requirements of the impecunious micro-entity.

Probably the only unique issue for the SOLO is those tools that help us to be uber-efficient. We should perhaps be carrying a review of Dragon Naturally Speaking 12 voice dictation software ; or a comparison of the best offers for Managed or Virtual offices; or the best business bank accounts; or whether its a good idea to join a marketing group.

If you would like to write any of those items or others do get in touch. Meanwhile have a great Bank Holiday


  1. SoloIP is great - but could it be greater?

    Idea - the suggestion of coverage of items such as virtual offices mentioned at the end of the SoloIP email could be expanded:
    Think Attorney AirBnB

    We have offices in Sydney Australia and we would be interested in solo or small IP firms that would consider attorney exchanges: That is, during your winter consider working from sunny Sydney. In our offices at any one time we have three attorneys working together so we are a small team. We would like professional exchanges beyond emailed newsletters & SoloIP could create such an aspirational hub.

    Just a thought for your consideration.

    Kind regards


  2. SoloIP is great - but could it be greater?

    Idea - the suggestion of coverage of items such as virtual offices mentioned at the end of the SoloIP email could be expanded:
    Think Attorney AirBnB : )

    We have offices in Sydney Australia and we would be interested in solo or small IP firms that would consider attorney exchanges. That is, during your winter consider working from sunny Sydney.

    In our offices at any one time we have three attorneys working together so we are a small team. We would like professional exchanges beyond emailed newsletters & SoloIP could create such an aspirational hub.

    Just a thought for your consideration.

    Kind regards

