Friday, 2 October 2009

Take the Train to Westlaw Training this November

Free training on the Westlaw IP platform for SOLO practitioners will take place at the Thomson Reuters Towers at 100 Avenue Road Swiss Cottage.

More information to follow but places will be limited so expressions of interest please.


  1. Duh...!

    What is the Westlaw IP platform?

  2. Sorry - that was a rather brief post.

    Westlaw is the legal research database that provides access to lots of IP case reports including EPO decisions as well as commentary and textbooks such as Kerly on Trademarks and the CIPA Guide to Patents. Although its an annual subscription genuine SOLO IP practitioners can afford it with our combined buying power. This is the essential library and resource that allows you to say to clients that they can be comfortable that you can compete on equal terms with the large law firms.
